Friday 13 April 2012

How to Blender-boot Advanced Customization Part 1

This tutorial is for customizing Blender-boot there is some basic customization tips here, this one is getting in to the more advanced customization.


Changing themes in Blender-boot is easy not many are included but installing more is easy. To check out the themes that come with Blender-boot you need to click on the appearance entry under settings in the main menu. The first tab will be style, this is the tab for changing themes. Just click on them to try them out. Nothing you like well that is OK to get some more you should go to Gnome-Look This website is very useful for customizing and worth bookmarking. You need to click on GTK 2.x this will take you to themes that will work with Blender-boot. Have a good browse and when your ready download one., by default it will be saved in the Downloads folder. It will more than likely (in fact almost definitely) be an archive file you need to double click it, this will open File Roller which you can use to extract the them folder. Now press the insert key on your keyboard to bring up the terminal and type in:

sudo thunar

It will prompt you for your password then open Thunar file manager as root. A warning will show up at the top and basically just don't delete anything if you don't know what is, that way you wont do any damage :D Open up your Downloads folder and right click on the theme folder select copy. Now click on file system, then navigate to the usr folder, then the share folder and then finally the theme folder. Right click and paste your theme here, close Thunar and open your appearance settings again your new theme will be there!

Further theme customization

You can change them further using the Window manager under settings In the menu. The styles here change the look of your them open Thunar to compare the differences between each one theres lots of options. You also change the Window title position and font here. Also you can rearrange the button layout here, maybe move them all to the left If you like the Mac button layout. The second tab is for setting keyboard window shortcuts and the third tab is for adjusting focus.


Changing the icons is very similar to changing the theme. You can get them from Gnome-Look just like the themes you can change them using the appearance settings and you use the same process. With one main difference, you copy and paste the icons into usr/shar/icons instead of usr/share/themes :D

System Font

Also under the appearance setting there is a font tab this is for changing the system font. Browse through and choose one that is easy to read or just looks cool. You can also adjust settings like anti-aliasing and hinting for making the font clearer.


  1. Hi there, I saw ur post on blenderNation..I will like to help you :) am jus a novice to blender!
    More to a 3ds max user! But decided to giv blender a try and I found it really great ;)
    I can provide you with som hd backgrounds(my own pictures) mostly nature themes.
    And would like to help u improve ur logo ;)
    Drop me an email @ sensitive[underscore]touch [at].com
    remove the brackets:)

    Thk U ^.^

    1. Hi im not sure if you missed part of your email out tried a few things and did not seem to work at what .com anyway thanks for your interest I will tell you more as soon as I have your address :D
